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Forschungspreis der REWI fürs Uni-ETC

Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Die REWI-Fakultät verleiht dem vom Uni-ETC koordinierten Heras+ Projekt "Building a post-war justice system in Kosovo: The independence, impartiality, fairness and accountability of the internationalized judiciary" den Forschungspreis.

[ENG] The Law Faculty of the University of Graz awards the Heras+ project "Building a post-war justice system in Kosovo: the independence, impartiality, fairness and accountability of the internationalized judiciary", coordinated by the Uni-ETC, with the Excellent Research Award. (ENGLISH BELOW)

Der Forschungspreis der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät wurde dieses Jahr ins Leben gerufen, um hervorragende Leistungen im Bereich der Forschung zu honorieren. Das 2021 bewilligte Heras+ Projekt "Building a post-war justice system in Kosovo: The independence, impartiality, fairness and accountability of the internationalized judiciary", das am UNI-ETC von Mag. Dr. iur. Lisa Heschl E.MA und ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.iur. Gerd Oberleitner koordiniert und an der Universität Haxhi Zeka, Pejё im Kosovo unter der Leitung von Prof. Ass. Dr. Gjylbehare Murati durchgeführt wird bekam den ersten Forschungspreis der REWI Fakultät der Universität Graz verliehen. Mehr zu diesem und weiteren Projekten des Uni-ETC erfahren Sie hier!


The Faculty of Law Research Award was established this year to honor excellence in research. The 2021 Heras+ project "Building a post-war justice system in Kosovo: The independence, impartiality, fairness and accountability of the internationalized judiciary" , which is coordinated by Mag. Dr. iur. Lisa Heschl E.MA and ao. Univ.- Prof. Mag. Dr.iur. Gerd Oberleitner and carried out by Prof. Ass. Dr. Gjylbehare Murati and her research team at the University of Haxhi Zeka, Pejё in Kosovo was awarded the first research prize of the REWI Faculty of the University of Graz. Read more about this and other projects of the Uni-ETC here!

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