Gerd Oberleitner
Gerd Oberleitner ist Leiter des Europäischen Trainings- und Forschungszentrums für Menschenrechte und Demokratie, ao. Universitätsprofessor für Völkerrecht und das Recht internationaler Organisationen, und UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security. Er war Rechtsberater im Völkerrechtsbüro des österreichischen Außenministeriums und Lecturer am Centre for the Study of Human Rights der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Gastprofessuren an der Université du Quebéc à Montréal, Rutgers University, den Universitäten von Prishtina, Ljubljana, Addis Ababa, Antwerpen, und DAAD Visiting Professor an der Ruhr Universität Bochum.

Ausgewählte Publikationen
- European Yearbook on Human Rights (Intersentia/Brill) (co-editor)
- Global Human Rights Institutions: between Remedy and Ritual (Polity 2007)
- Human Rights in Armed Conflict: Law, Practice, Policy (Cambridge University Press 2015)
- Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Forced Migration (Brill 2017) (co-editor)
- Human Rights Institutions, Tribunals and Courts (Springer 2018) (editor)
- Research Handbook on Human Security and International Law (Edward Elgar 2022) (editor)
Ausgewählte Projekte
COST Action: Global Digital Human Rights Network (GDHRNet) explores the theoretical and practical challenges posed by the online context to the protection of human rights and addresses whether international human rights law is sufficiently detailed to enable governments and private online companies to understand their respective obligations vis-à-vis human rights protection online (2020-2024).
Sports Organizations Matching Social Inclusions Issues (SmatchS) is an EU-funded initiative of six organizations from sport, social and academic areas, willing to contribute with their joint efforts to encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport. The key idea of the project is to create synergy between sport and social organizations from Spain, France, Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece in order to develop and apply to the local contexts a methodology for social inclusion of children with migratory background (2021-2024).
HERAS+: Building a post-war justice system in Kosovo: the independence, impartiality, fairness and accountability of the internationalized judiciary. In cooperation with next-generation researchers of the University of Peja, the project investigates how international(ized) judicial institutions operate in a post-conflict setting under the international legal premises of independence, impartiality, fairness and accountability (2021-2024).
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.iur. Gerd Oberleitner
+43 316 380 - 3417
Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil A/IV
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