At the networking event dedicated to the next generation of human rights professionals - students of all disciplines, young professionals, and career beginners - participants had the opportunity to connect and engage with established human rights experts. To show the already existing diversity of human rights jobs at the local and international level, human rights experts from different backgrounds, levels and regions have been invited.
After the event was opened by UNESCO Chair Gerd Oberleitner and Agnes Romanin and the general introduction of the human rights experts, four individual round table sessions were held: The organizers had the privilege to welcome the experts Konstantinos Tararas (UNESCO), Milou Jansen (City of Amsterdam and Cities Coalition for Digital Rights), Vickie Casanova-Willis (US Human Rights Network) and Lionel Nzamba Nzamba (UCLG Africa, youth unit) at the event. They exchanged practical knowledge of working in the broad field of human rights, discussed the realization of future perspectives and aspirations and shared their experience with over 60 participants!
The organizers cordially thanks everyone who took part at the event!
This event was organized by the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security at the University of Graz, Austria.