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UNI-ETC Research Fellowship in Addis Ababa/Ethiopia

Donnerstag, 28.02.2019

The Advanced Academic Partnership for Legal and Human Rights Education (AAPLHRE) is offering short-term research fellowships to Ethiopia. The research fellow will be hosted at the Ethiopian Civil Service University (ECSU) and the Center for Human Rights of Addis Ababa University (AAU CHR) in Addis Ababa. The fellowship provides funding of up to EUR 2,800.00 per person (travel and accommodation costs only).

Excellently qualified individuals who are working on human rights, democratization, constitutionalism or democratic reforms (preferably with a connection to Ethiopia/East Africa) are invited to submit their application to uni-etc(at)uni-graz.at. Applications are accepted until 15 March 2019. VIEW THE FULL CALL TEXT HERE

WHO CAN APPLY: Excellently qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists.

INFORMATION: Bernadette Knauder, ext. 1528, email: bernadette.knauder(at)uni-graz.at

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