Keynote speaker Pádraig McAuliffe, University of Liverpool and expert on transitional justice and international human rights law, dedicated his address to the concept of progressive realization, a key characteristic of socio-economic rights.
Lisa Heschl presented the 2023 edition of the EYHR dedicated to "Rethinking Human Rights" in times of multiple crises. Accordingly, the volume addresses, inter alia, climate change and the protection of the environment, human rights in a digital world or commercialization as a threat to academic freedom.
Wolfgang Benedek introduced the European perspective on socio-economic human rights to the ensuing panel discussion moderated by UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security Gerd Oberleitner. Despite the unfortunate absence of co-editor Karin Lukas, CEU Vienna, panelists and audience alike enjoyed a lively discussion.
The EYHR is available here. Use the code SPEC-AA1JPHW-9781839704161 to get 20% off the printed or e-book version.