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Successful Launch of the Erasmus+ Project “Promoting Academic Freedom in Ukraine“ (FreeAc)
On December 15th 2023 the Erasmus+ project “Promoting Academic Freedom in Ukraine (FreeAc)“ was officially launched during a first online meeting of…
Svitlana Andreichenko's impact on research and academic cooperation
Visiting researcher Svitlana Andreichenko holds the Ernst Mach Grant Ukraine and enhances academic cooperation with her research
Book Launch: European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023
On 11 December, in timely proximity to International Human Rights Day, the UNI-ETC launched the newest edition of the European Yearbook on Human…
Padova Model UPR - Students share their experiences
Succesful participation of REWI Uni Graz students in the Padova Model UPR!
Obrigado, Universidade do Minho!
Gerd Oberleitner und Lisa Heschl vertieften die Kooperation der Uni Graz mit der Universität Minho, Braga, Portugal
Human Rights Moot Court Competition
The Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition (formerly European Human Rights Moot Court Competition) simulates a procedure before the European Court of…
Empowering Human Rights - The 6° edition of the Padova Model UPR awaits!
The Padova Model UPR is an academic simulation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in the UN Human Rights Council organised by an international…
Human Rights Paper Session - Deadline extended!
The Human Rights Paper Session is part of the 13th World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF), being held in Gwangju, South Korea from the 4th to the 7th…
How to Win Moot Court Awards (With a Little Delay)
Helena Leigh Lewis Best Oralist in the Pre-Moot - Congratulations!
KENNE DEINE RECHTE Jugendprojekt – Bewerbungen offen!
Du interessierst dich für Menschenrechte, Gesellschaft und Politik? Du bist zwischen 14 und 24 Jahre alt? Verleihe Deiner Stimme Gehör und werde Teil…
Call for Papers - Inclusive Cities and Human Rights
The Chonnam National University Center for Regional Development, the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional…
Exkursion nach Straßburg
Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung “The European Convention on Human Rights in Theory and Practice” (229.008) wurde in diesem Sommersemester eine…
Towards the Padova Model 2023: What’s new and challenges ahead!
Join the Seminar series, June-July 2023 online!
Register here:
Vienna World Conference 30 Years On: Our Rights – Our Future
The high-level symposium “Vienna World Conference 30 Years On: Our Rights – Our Future” took place in Vienna on 6 June 2023 to mark the 30th…
Education for Peace and Human Rights
UNESCO Chair Gerd Oberleitner participated in the Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting to revise UNESCO’s 1974 Recommendation concerning…
Call for applications!
The University of Padua calls for applications to their multidiscplinary PhD programme. Deadline for registration is June 7, 2023 at 1:00PM (Italian…