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Call for papers: Civic Space and Human Rights Cities
Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop at Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido
On 14th June, the participants of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme Human Rights, Democracy, Diversity, and Gender successfully attended the…
FreeAc: Erasmus+ Good Practice Project
The Erasmus+ project “Promoting Academic Freedom in Ukraine (FreeAc)” as an example of Erasmus+ Good Practice Projects for collaboration between…
The Global Campus South East Europe invites interested candidates to apply for the 24th generation of the European Regional Master’s Programme in…
Haiti: Apocalypse now?
William O’Neill, the UN expert on human rights and Haiti shared insights on the “apocalyptic” status quo in the crisis-ridden country.
Lebanon - In a State of Unrest: Presentation and discussion
The UNI-ETC, the Department of Global Governance and the Conflict Peace Democracy Cluster invited to a presentation and discussion to conclude the…
Visit GREVIO members
Two members of the GREVIO consortium, Helmut Tichy and Olena Kharytonova, held a class on their work of safeguarding the Istanbul Convention.
Call for papers: summer workshop "Advancing Human Rights Education in Higher Education: Research, Practice, Impact"
The Global Campus is excited to share with you the attached Call for Papers for a summer workshop titled “Advancing Human Rights Education in Higher…
Gemeinsamer Jahresbericht des UNESCO Zentrums und UNESCO Lehrstuhls in Graz ab sofort online!
Interview: Holding Lukashenko Accountable
If no one is there to document them, crimes against humanity and human rights violations often go unseen and unpunished. In the case of Europe’s last…
Reminder: second round of the Call for Applications for the EMA academic year 2024/25
The second round of the Call for Applications for the EMA academic year 2024/25 closes on 16th April 2024. Register for a career in Human Rights!
Interview mit Prof. Gerd Oberleitner: Wie schützen wir die Menschenrechte?
Gerd Oberleitner ist Inhaber des UNESCO-Lehrstuhls für Menschenrechte und menschliche Sicherheit sowie Leiter des Europäischen Trainings- und…
Health Rights on the Move
Kamilla Galicz, visiting fellow from the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, shares her thoughts on European asylum law and practice, her time in Graz…
A Moot Court About Cancel Culture
How to deal with cancel culture in an academic environment in the context of the European Convention on Human Rights? REWI Uni Graz students share…
E.MA: Call for Applications 2024/2025 / Online Open Day
EMA, the European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Demcratisation, calls for applications for the academic year 2024/2025 and hosts an online…
Join us for the Next Generation Event 2024
Do you see yourself as a future change-maker? Are you part of the next generation of human rights practitioners?