As an interdisciplinary centre based at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz and operating in the human rights city of Graz, we are engaged in research, teaching and knowledge transfer (science to public) in the field of human rights. We conduct research on issues of international human rights protection, human rights education, the implementation of human rights at the local level and migration and refugee law. We are co-editors of the European Yearbook on Human Rights and the publication series Human Rights Go Local. The Centre hosts the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security and cooperates with the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO in Graz. We see ourselves as a contact point for human rights issues at the University of Graz, provide students of all faculties with a range of courses on human rights and coordinate the interdisciplinary doctoral program Human Rights, Democracy, Diversity and Gender. We are active in international research and higher education networks such as the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) and the Global Campus of Human Rights.