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Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948-2018 Lecture Series #2: Global Perspectives on Human Rights

Mittwoch, 14.02.2018

The European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (UNI-ETC) and Institute of International Law and International Relations at the University of Graz are pleased to invite you to a lunch lecture on Ethiopia.


Two visiting scholars from Ethiopia offer insights into legal and human rights challenges in Ethiopia, thereby providing thought-provoking impulses for discussion on contemporary human rights issues in Africa and beyond:

The Right to Development: Exploring redevelopment programs in Addis Ababa City
Manaye Zegeye MESHESHA
Addis Ababa University, College of Law and Governance, Center for Human Rights

The Right to a Fair Trial: Legal and Socio-Political Factors Impeding Its Enforcement in Criminal Proceedings
Worku Yaze WODAGE
Addis Ababa University, College of Law and Governance, Center for Human Rights

Wolfgang BENEDEK

Wednesday | 14 February 2018 | 12:30–14:00hrs
RESOWI | room SR 15.41 | 4th floor | building part A

The lunch lecture is part of the AAPLHRE (Advanced Academic Partnership for Legal and Human Rights Education) – project. The project is funded by APPEAR, a programme of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

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