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The Future of Education

Montag, 06.04.2020

UNESCO Chair Gerd Oberleitner contributes to the UNESCO online publication Humanistic Futures of Learning - Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks

The publication is part of UNESCO’s Future of Education Initiative which aims at generating an agenda for global debate and action on the futures of education, learning and knowledge in a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty and precarity. The initiative is driven by the International Commission on the Futures of Education, chaired by Her Excellency Ms Sahle-Work Zewde, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

Over one hundred of UNESCO’s 800 Chairs, institutions and Centres have contributed to this thinkpiece which presents diverse views on the aims and purposes of education, shares learning content and methods and provides a resource for the generation and mobilization of interdisciplinary knowledge. The publication presents a future of learning which is built on the diversity of knowledge systems, worldviews and conceptions of well-being, reaffirms a common core of universally shared values, and proposes an integrated approach to learning which acknowledges the multiple personal, social, civic and economic purposes of education. The views of UNESCO Chairs provide fresh multidisciplinary insights for a re-purposing of education to address increasingly complex development challenges. The publication is available online here.  

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