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One Step forward for International Criminal Law – A success for Austrian Diplomacy

Mittwoch, 28.03.2018

Mag.a Nadia Kalb, LL.M, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations in New York

Lecture Series #3 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948-2018: Global Perspectives on Human Rights

Wednesday | 28 February 2018 | 16:30–18:00hrs

RESOWI | room SR 15.41 | 4th floor | building part A

On 14 December 2017, the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court (ICC) took the historic decision to activate the ICC’s jurisdiction over the crime of aggression. This decision is a major step forward for international criminal law and a success for Austrian diplomacy.

Austrian diplomat Nadia Kalb led the year-long facilitation process that aimed to bridge the Member States’ different legal readings of the crime of aggression.
The European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (UNI-ETC) and the Institute of International Law and International Relations of the University of Graz are pleased to invite you to a background briefing where Counsellor Nadia Kalb will offer insights into the process and outcome of the intense “closed door” negotiations.

Invitation PDF

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