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ILA Study Group on the Role of Cities in International Law: City Reports Now Online!

Freitag, 12.02.2021

The International Law Association (ILA) Study Group on the Role of Cities in International Law chaired by Janne Nijman (T.M.C. Asser Instituut) and Helmut Aust (Freie Universität Berlin) launched their homepage hosting city reports from all around the world on 12 Feburary 2021 in an online event. It includes contributions on how cities have been engaged in international law that can be navigated via an interactive map. A report by Gerd Oberleitner and Gregor Fischer published on the occasion of the website launch sheds light on Graz as a Human Rights City. The ILA Study Group seeks to continously expand the information available on the homepage. Forthcoming reports include Washington D.C., Delhi, Barcelona, Johannesburg and Mexico City. All reports and further information on how to publish your own city report are available here: https://www.asser.nl/global-city/ila-city-reports/

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