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Global Campus of Human Rights presents its 2021 Annual Report

Donnerstag, 12.05.2022

The Global Campus of Human Rights presents its 2021 Annual Report recording the main outcomes of 12 months of active collaboration in capacity building and promotion of human rights and democracy.

The Report provides insights on the achievements of the Global Campus’ hallmark seven regional Master’s programmes, their common activities and research outlets, and the continuation of their efforts to build capacity and raise awareness on human rights and democracy around the world. The Report also highlights the three innovative and very successful open access MOOCs offered during 2021; the specialised training courses with a focus on human rights defenders; the unique endeavours to foster the relationship between human rights and the arts; and the various activities devoted to the promotion children’s rights through education and research, including child-led activities in several regions of the world. 

Find the report here! 

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