
Linda Rauter Preis an Elias Faller vom UNI-ETC

Auszeichnung für Universitätsassistent Elias Faller für seine Diplomarbeit zu verübergehendem Schutz im Flüchtlingsrecht

Padova Model UPR und Human Rights Moot Court: Anmeldung bis 04.10.2024

Im kommenden Wintersemester bietet das UNI-ETC wieder die UPR Simulation und den Human Rights Moot Court an - Anmeldung ab jetzt!

Call for papers: Civic Space and Human Rights Cities

Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop at Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido

On 14th June, the participants of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme Human Rights, Democracy, Diversity, and Gender successfully attended the workshop at the Monastery of San Nicolò in Venice Lido.

FreeAc: Erasmus+ Good Practice Project

The Erasmus+ project “Promoting Academic Freedom in Ukraine (FreeAc)” as an example of Erasmus+ Good Practice Projects for collaboration between Ukrainian and Austrian universities.


The Global Campus South East Europe invites interested candidates to apply for the 24th generation of the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA).

Haiti: Apocalypse now?

William O’Neill, the UN expert on human rights and Haiti shared insights on the “apocalyptic” status quo in the crisis-ridden country.

Lebanon - In a State of Unrest: Presentation and discussion

The UNI-ETC, the Department of Global Governance and the Conflict Peace Democracy Cluster invited to a presentation and discussion to conclude the photo exhibition Lebanon: In a state of unrest