Linda Rauter Preis an Elias Faller vom UNI-ETC
Padova Model UPR und Human Rights Moot Court: Anmeldung bis 04.10.2024
Call for papers: Civic Space and Human Rights Cities
Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop at Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido
FreeAc: Erasmus+ Good Practice Project
Haiti: Apocalypse now?
Lebanon - In a State of Unrest: Presentation and discussion
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Visit GREVIO members
Two members of the GREVIO consortium, Helmut Tichy and Olena Kharytonova, held a class on their work of safeguarding the Istanbul Convention.
Call for papers: summer workshop "Advancing Human Rights Education in Higher Education: Research, Practice, Impact"
The Global Campus is excited to share with you the attached Call for Papers for a summer workshop titled “Advancing Human Rights Education in Higher…
Gemeinsamer Jahresbericht des UNESCO Zentrums und UNESCO Lehrstuhls in Graz ab sofort online!
Interview: Holding Lukashenko Accountable
If no one is there to document them, crimes against humanity and human rights violations often go unseen and unpunished. In the case of Europe’s last…
Reminder: second round of the Call for Applications for the EMA academic year 2024/25
The second round of the Call for Applications for the EMA academic year 2024/25 closes on 16th April 2024. Register for a career in Human Rights!
Interview mit Prof. Gerd Oberleitner: Wie schützen wir die Menschenrechte?
Gerd Oberleitner ist Inhaber des UNESCO-Lehrstuhls für Menschenrechte und menschliche Sicherheit sowie Leiter des Europäischen Trainings- und…
Health Rights on the Move
Kamilla Galicz, visiting fellow from the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, shares her thoughts on European asylum law and practice, her time in Graz…
A Moot Court About Cancel Culture
How to deal with cancel culture in an academic environment in the context of the European Convention on Human Rights? REWI Uni Graz students share…